The Museum of Bećarac is a place of understanding, love and pride for a two verses song that sings about the most diverse life situations. How did we shape the Museum of Bećarac?
The protected area of the Nature Park Telašćica on Dugi Otok has been given a place to connect, experience, learn
Our creative team is richer for two great international awards! The exhibition experiences we have carefully tailored in the Visitor
Učka is a powerful mountain, massive and compact, yet to the one who truly surrenders to it, it dissolves into
Implementation begins when the project documentation is prepared and the finances are secured. Her success rests on orchestrated teamwork. Once the project is realized, we empower the project holders in management skills.
The more original and authentic the idea, the more important the planning phase. Timely and comprehensive planning is the foundation for creative and inspiring design of heritage attractions and destinations.
What do sevdah, katuns, bears and spoon sweet have in common? They are all part of the excellent projects from the Western Balkans that we have described in the Interpret Europe brochure.
Once upon a time, the Slavonian mountains were part of the Slavonian archipelago, and the fertile soil was the bottom of the Pannonian Sea in which the giant whale swam. But how did the mare become terra?
The international conference ‘Proceed with Care – Living with Tourism’ was held in Šibenik from 2nd – 5th May 2019.
Croatia is a country of exceptionally valuable natural heritage, and numerous EU funds offer funds for its protection. In order that from initial initiatives, arising from the love of nature, to successfully led and realised projects in a local community, it is necessary to
The interpretation of heritage, care of the cultural and creative identity and its connection with tourism are a part of the creative and cultural industries, today the fastest growing branch of the economy, insufficiently evaluated in Croatia.
The establishment of a museum always occurs in the third person plural. But what about the demise of a museum? This occurs in the first person singular – because only...
Da je Hrvatska brod, imala bi jarbol i jedra, kobilicu i rebra, sve u svemu, bila bi to lijepa barka. Ali na mjestu gdje bi trup broda trebali obgrliti madiri, kako...